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I make some beautiful art for my very own games!

Check some of this out:


Super Awesome Picture


Super Awesome Picture 2 - Electric Boogaloo

If you wanna, go here to check out my SUPER AWESOME Youtube Channel

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Subscribed 87 88 87
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Math Test

Name Here

4 × 5

9 1 20

6 ÷ 8

14 ¾ ¼

12 ∗ 12

24 132 144

John has 4 apples. His friend Mark has 6 more than half John's apples. How many apples does he have?

Color Scheme!
Green Red Blue Maroon
#91ce22 #ac162d #1fabe0 #d45e4e
145, 206, 34 175, 22, 45 31, 171, 224 165, 55, 89
81° 71, 47% 196°, 75, 50% 350°, 77, 38% 342°, 50, 43%


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